The goal of the Project is to create a device or a product which lets humans interact with one another through a tangible form of interaction which can either be one way or two way. The physical material that was selected is ferrofluid, which is a liquid that becomes strongly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. The device consists of two components each having a container with ferrofluid inside. These containers will be influenced by the users with the help of magnets which can be used to generate different patterns depending on the position of the magnets. These patterns generated would then be used as the states or information bits to communicate between the two components, which in turn can be used by users to interact with each other.

Activation Process
The main procedure through which the users interact with each other is through the devices. The devices are a copy of one another designed to create synchronous experience between the two users. The Interaction between users consist of three steps.
The idea of embedding information as a form of achieving contextual information delivery is not something new. Initially the idea of putting information in context and outlining the basic principles of embedded information displays – embedding information where and when it is useful, in an unobtrusive way, and in a form that no user interaction is hard to achieve.
Depending on these states we can use permutational logic to identify a set of symbols to let the users create their own system of communication. For example when consider 4 buttons the 4 buttons can be used to create 16 different patterns, from observation 8 of
these formations.
these formations.

Different signs of Interaction