Making of physical systems that integrate software and hardware to sense their surroundings and respond to have gone through a lot of transformations with development in Artificial intelligence. These systems can blend digital and physical processes to form interactive experiences that seem more intuitive and predictive . These qualities would accommodate the environment for us to thrive, and help us have more meaningful connections and which means more adaptable to change.
The methodology is based on observations, records, experiments. The fabrications and manufacturing is dependent on availability of materials specially for the physical system. The previous works have been closely studied and most of fabrication and data collection were made possible by collaboration of available labs and studios at UNCC. The membrane to be adaptable and capable of bearing the loads such as Forces that may apply by user.


Interaction System
Making of physical systems that integrate Physical and intelligence systems in architecture is dependent on sensible use of Materials, Mechanisms, and computation power. the physicality of the project must consist of dynamic, soft, and interactive parts to be able to adapt to different built environments and also to change their form and shape based on feedback of the Intelligence System.
The thickness the most important geometrical properties that would affect the stiffness. As the Thickness increases the elasticity would decrease. This effect would help us model the proper thickness variation so that the extension would be ubiquitous as possible.

Fabrication Process

Fabrication Modules